
Martin Klimas : Photography of Impermanence

Martin Klimas' high speed photographs capture the impermanence of form. The shots are taken at the precise moment of transformation of his selected objects.

Visually arresting and highly conceptual, his photographic works reveal the complex beauty of destruction, reminding us, perhaps, that destruction's beauty is that it manifests change.

In an interview with Lowdown Magazine last month, Klimas said "You know, I think it's the destiny of every figurine to burst into pieces on day or another as it is inescapable for every flower to dry up." Indeed.


Rorschach Inspired

Like many others, I've got the Rorschach ink blot bug right now. So when J brought out the watercolors today I thought I'd make my own Rorschach inspired ink blots to hang on my wall.


i heart geoff

geoff mc fetridge
for the Whitest Boy Alive

Dye Jobs

I recently had a craft day that involved dressing up as a mad scientist while I dyed some items a la DIY.

my experiments resulted in one gradient fade dyed blouse,

and one black on black dyed shemagh scarf with big-ass pom pom trim.

Nicolos Ghuesquiere for Balenciaga Fall 07 Scarfs, eat your heart out!


a few things that caught my eye

i like how this artist used an existing element, that looks half crown of thorns and half halo, to position their Jesus face stencil.

originally posted here.

Another great use of existing spatial element to get a(n enviornmental) point across:

as seen on wooster.

I've been very intrigued lately by a proliferation of digital / projection / light art. Target's fashion show this season seems to have fallen right into this ethereal little niche, somewhere between the surreal, performance art, and light show with a "holographic fashion show".

The show was supposed to take place yesterday and today in Grand Central Station, NYC but I've yet to find photos of the actual show. Scheduled to play every 10 minutes, the 2d projection was set to project an HD 3-D seeming holographic image. It will be posted on youtube, facebook and on target's site at some point. I'll post a link or images once they're live.


Michel Gondry for Motorola

Not sure about you, but when I saw that Motorola commercial for their new razor weeks ago I found it rather fromage-filled. So it was interesting to find out the commercial I'd watched was actually produced for the Asian market. It was subbed in here because Motorala is in some disputes with Cutwater who hired Michel Gondry to film the American spot. Turns out they thought it was too artistic. Typical. But what'd you expect hiring Gondry, right?

You can watch the Gondry for Motorola commercial, which hasn't aired, below. As expected, it is very pretty.

Here's the one being aired, a la fromage:


That's Amorre...

'When the moon hits your eye' could be virtually any time now, indoors or out.

A group of Russian designers have designed "Your Personal Moon"; a crescent shaped light box / lamp.

Oh how romantic.

reblogged from PSFK and Geekologie

Not the least bit 'sketchy'

Front designers' sketch furniture process makes you want to go back to the drawing board

Some time ago I featured the work of Swedish Design studio Front. Well, today I was blown away by their latest venture into "sketch furniture".

Qu'est que c'est you ask?

"The four FRONT members have developed a method to materialise free hand sketches. They make it possible by using a unique method where two advanced techniques are combined.
Pen strokes made in the air are recorded with Motion Capture and become 3D digital files; these are then materialised through Rapid Prototyping into real pieces of furniture."

holy shit right? watch this video and become a believer.

Who knows what this will mean for DIY culture and customizable furniture, but at the very least you can look forward to purchasing some hand drawn furniture.


Mark Borthwick for Vanessa Bruno

Here is a photo i'd like to share.

I saw this in Purple fashion magazine. (If you don't know, Purple is the best glossy in the world, and by best i mean smart and by smart i mean perfect).

It's from Vanessa Bruno's lookbook this season, shot by Mark Borthwick.

So are these.


Marc Ecko 's Digital Graffiti

Mark Ecko's latest marketing venture is so smart it makes my brain hurt. It's a bluetooth phone gadget cum spraycan. Paying homage to his love of graffiti once more, basically you can tag giant lcd screens around the city via your phone's bluetooth interface. It's called Blue Tooth City Lights.

reblogged from ads of the world


Adventures at Terroni

Last Friday night was the weirdest night everrrrr, in the history of dinner at Terroni. Tenma, moJO (Joanne), and I had just left a meeting at the Cadillac lounge and decided to indulge in a dinner at … yes.. Terroni. Yes, *again*.

So we call up Matt and Jesar to join us. We get to Terroni sometime after 7 and as expected on a Friday there is a huge lineup. This time it’s wrapped across the front to the left so the last people in line (us) can see the people eating in the window – which turns out to be Natalie Galazka of Revolver Films, “Hi Natalie”.

Anyway, there’s something fishy about this line-up. It’s longer than usual, not entirely surprising, but it turns out it hasn’t moved at all for like a while… why? Because Terroni’s computer system is down. Whoa. Just imagine the craziness right? Our heart goes out to beloved Terroni staff. But we still want to get in there.
Eventually the line manages to move a bit and after talking to Andrew, our old faithful Terroni link behind the bar, we get a few seats at the bar so we can atleast have a drink while we wait for the table. The wait feels like forever because we’re all starving and getting a little hangry.

Finally we get the table and it’s totally the best one in the house (you know the first big table when you come in, just below the bar, one side is the long bench seat? That one). In my opinion it’s the best because you can see a lot of the restaurant action including who’s coming in, who’s leaving, you’re close to the bar staff so you can yell out to them, and the waiters all come to and from the kitchen right past you so you get to say hi to all of them too.

K, so we’ve ordered food, and we’re sharing our table with 3 strangers on the other end. Waitress who’s name I can’t remember brings the strangers their apps and totally drops one of the plates which miraculoulsy lands perfectly making all noise , but no mess. Phew#1!

So later we’re talking and whatever when *smack* just like that Jesar elbows the same waitresses (accidentally of course) and her food dishes almost go flying. But she maintains control! Phew #2! Jesar apologizes. She turns to us and says – “don’t worry, I knew it would come in threes, so at least it’s almost over”. We laugh, and forget about it instantly and are soon eating our food which has just arrived.

But before you know it Bang! – the lights shut off, the music turns off; the power has gone out. At Terroni! At Terroni on a Friday night! At Terroni on a Friday night and the power is actually out on the whole Queen Street strip! WTF!

After a moment of nervous confusion the restaurant erupts in clapping and cheers and it seems everyone thinks this is fun and cool, except for of course the Terroni staff. The thoughts that were racing through our heads were “holy shit – do you think it’s like a huge north eastern black out like 2003?”. I know now it wasn’t, but sitting there with the lights out that felt like an exciting possiblity. And we were *so* lucky our food had just arrived. (we heard another waitress tell the strangers next to us they couldn’t get their food or something due to the power being out!)

So we’re sitting in the dark, Terroni staff had come around with little tea candles, (so cute!) when we hear “oh my god somebody call 9-11”.
The next thing we know people are crowded around in the waiting in line aisle by the door because someone has passed out in line and hit their head on the floor!

The energy was so strange that night. So. Strange. That Tenma and I decided we needed to document it because noone would believe this crazy story.

Here it is.

See it. Believe it.

A while later the lights came back on and it was like the whole thing never happened. so glad we took that picture.


Holy fuck buckets. Just checked out the new Shop Vogue site and it's so fucking beautiful. Clean, great content and the flash work is seamless.

As if Style.com wasn't a wet enough dream, the site has the sexiest online shopping experience (integrated ads w/ the products) I've seen yet, and launches their TV content, meaning lots of video footage of shows, models, etc.


oh if only my meagre little marianista blog had Condé Nast funding behind it too. ;)


Dj Debut

So J and i are djing at the beaconsfield this wednesday. Tenma asked us a few weeks back - probably because she always hears us complaining about how most of the djs in this city think they're too cool to play sexy, fun, dance-your-ass-off-with-your-heart-out tunes.

so we're gonna *bring it*.

here's the flyer we sent around.


Light Drawings

oooooh...Make celestial light drawings like your some kind of angel with Philip's Drag & Draw Digial painting kit. Apparently it was designed with kids in mind but i can think of 20 of my closest friends (all adults, i swear) who will shit themselves when they see this.

Enjoy ;)


Forget Me Knot

How heartwarming is this Forget Me Knot ring by Kiel Mead? In a time when we're virtually owned by all day emails, texts, and microsoft outlook prompts it's nice to have something wrapped around your finger for a change.

It comes in gold, silver and platinum. Ummmazing.

I have really enjoyed seeing jewelry designs getting so irreverent over the last several years. Karen Walker was one of the first to grab my attention, but other heavy weights in my book are Tom Binns, Iosselliani, Lena Wald, Luis Morais, and now Kiel Mied.

Karen Walker

Tom Binns


Lena Wald

Luis Morais

Kiel Mied